

Minibian is a smaller footprint of raspian, it’s really clean and you now have the power to decide what you want to install, which is really good for small projects because it starts really fast and doesn’t use a lot...

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Scary!!! My NAS broke!

My ReadyNAS NV+ threw in its towel yesterday and was completely dead :S I removed the electronics to see if there were something that looked strange like a bad capacitor or burn marks. But it all looked fine, so my prime suspect...

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Open Space in Berlin

Webstep Sweden had our yearly conference this time in lovely Berlin, one of the days I held Open Space together with my colleagues. As always it was really engaging and fun, and as always there are some groups that don’t...

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How to fail w. agile!

How to fail w. agile! November the 19th in Stockholm I will do a presentation about “How to Fail w. Agile”, how you can undermine your team and other stuff to ensure that the product doesn’t will ship....

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Blackout Super Mini H Update

A while back I decided to change my DYS SN30a BlHeli / Tiger Motors (2204/2300) setup with RG20a and Cobra CM2204/2300, but due to bad weather and traveling I haven’t had the time to test it out… until today. I...

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